ID Message
48 Congratulations! You have just installed and setup up EventSentry (on host %1...
100 The process action "%1" successfully executed the process "%2".
101 The process action "%1" was unable to execute the process "%2" due to error "...
152 The following error occurred while trying to read the "%1" event log: "%2". I...
153 EventSentry has successfully re-opened a handle to the "%1" event log after i...
201 Unable to allocate memory (for %1) in routine %2
206 Unable to create event %1 in %2.
210 The EventSentry agent was unable to create a collector backup file and will n...
240 Unable to open parallel port %1. Please make sure that no application is curr...
250 Event Log Filter "%1" expired on "%2".
500 Unable to connect to any of the available SMTP hosts for action "%1". The fol...
501 A connection with the secondary SMTP server %1 (action %4) was successful, bu...
502 Error during SMTP communication with SMTP host "%1". After sending "%2" the f...
510 Action "%1" was unable to create/open file "%2" due to error: %3
520 Action "%1" was unable to create a TCP connection with host "%2" due to error...
521 Action "%1" was unable to create a UDP socket to connect to host "%2" due to ...
522 The TLS certificate presented by remote host "%1" does not match the locally ...
530 Action "%1", invoked by feature, "%3" was unable to connect to the database d...
531 EventSentry was unable to connect to the ODBC target %1 due to error "%2". Ev...
532 The following errors or warnings occurred within the last 5 minutes while com...
533 A string had to be truncated in order to be successfully written to the datab...
550 Action "%1" was unable to send a message to host "%2" due to error: %3
560 Action "%1" triggered process "%2", which ran for %3 seconds with the result ...
561 The process action "%1" was unable to execute process "%2" due to error "%3".
562 Process %1 (triggered by action "%2") exceeded the maximum allowed time inter...
563 Process %1 (triggered by action "%2") exceeded the maximum allowed time inter...
564 Action "%1" triggered process "%2" successfully.
565 Process %1 (triggered by action "%2") exceeded the maximum allowed time inter...
566 Process %1 (triggered by action "%2") exceeded the maximum allowed time inter...
567 The checksum for executable file "%1" changed from the original checksum "%2"...
580 Action "%1" was unable to create a mailslot for host "%2" due to error: %3
581 Action "%1" was unable to send a notification to the (remote) Growl listener....
590 Action "%1" was unable to send trap to SNMP host "%2" due to error: %3
600 Action "%1" was unable to connect to SNPP host "%2" due to error: %3
601 Action "%1" was unable to send a message to pager ID "%2" due to error: %3
602 Action "%1" was unable to send the message due to error: %2
611 Unable to connect to the SCM (service control manager) due to error %1 (%2). ...
612 Unable to open the requested service (%1) due to error %2 (%3). The action "%...
613 Unable to send the requested control to service %1, most likely due to error ...
614 The service %1 could not be restarted because the it could not be stopped in ...
615 The requested service control was successfully sent to service %1, however th...
616 The process "%1" was terminated successfully. Instances Terminated: %2 Af...
617 The process "%1" could not be terminated due to error "%2".
620 Action "%1" was unable to initiate a system shutdown/reboot due to error: %3
630 Action "%1" was unable to connect to Jabber host "%2" due to error: %3
631 Action "%1" was unable to send a message to chat room "%2" due to error: %3
640 Action "%1" was unable to submit an event to "%2" due to error "%3".
641 Action "%1" was successfully submitted event with number %3 to "%2".
642 Action "%1" was successfully submitted event with number %3 to "%2". Resul...
900 The remote collector service has been unavailable for an extended period of t...
901 The remote collector service has been unavailable for an extended period of t...
902 The backup file "%1" has been parsed successfully and %2 items were submitted...
903 The backup file "%1" could not be opened for processing due to error "%2".
904 The backup file "%1" (%2 KB) will not be processed since a connection with th...
905 The EventSentry %2 is unable to establish a secure connection with any of the...
906 The EventSentry %2 is unable to establish a clear text connection with any of...
907 The certificate provided by the collector "%1" does not match the locally cac...
908 The EventSentry %3 disconnected from collector %1@%2.
910 The EventSentry %4 successfully established a secure connection with the coll...
911 The EventSentry %3 successfully established a clear text connection with the ...
912 The EventSentry %1 was unable to connect securely to any of the configured co...
914 The EventSentry %2 disconnected from the remote collector since it was unable...
915 The remote collector did not accept the local authentication credentials, the...
916 The remote collector did not confirm receipt of the local authentication cred...
917 The port knocking sequence with %1 was unsuccessful, a TCP connection with re...
920 A configuration or agent update was received from the collector but did not p...
921 The remote collector has not acknowledged %1 bytes of data sent by the local ...
922 The remote collector has not acknowledged %1 bytes of data sent by the local ...
925 The agent encountered an internal error while preparing data to be sent to th...
926 The agent encountered an internal error while verifying event log data to be ...
1009 A boot scan is currently in progress and has taken more than %3 minutes. The ...
1010 The boot scan for event log %1 is complete. %2 events were processed in %3 se...
1011 The agent was unable to find the local hostname (%1, %2) in the configuration...
1012 Unable to start service because the End User License Agreement was not accepted
1013 Unable to start service because of an invalid configuration, contact support.
1014 The EventSentry agent is ready. Version: %1 Configuration Revision: %9 C...
1015 Since the EventSentry agent cannot find itself in any of the available groups...
1017 The EventSentry agent is stopped
1018 The EventSentry agent is stopping
1019 Unable to start service because no valid license was found
1021 The backup file for action "%1" has events queued, but the "%1" action is cur...
1022 EventSentry was unable to process the backup queue file "%1" for action "%2" ...
1023 EventSentry created a backup copy of the backup queue file for action "%1", b...
1024 The number of events cached for action "%1", which has been unreachable, exce...
1025 An attempt to store collected events in the database for action "%1" is takin...
1026 The database action "%1" that has previously been unable to record events in ...
1027 A backup file for action "%1" has been found and EventSentry will now attempt...
1028 The backup file for action "%1" has been processed and EventSentry attempted ...
1029 The ODBC driver for action "%1" in the %3 has been automatically adjusted to ...
1030 The EventSentry agent successfully installed the %1 ODBC driver, using %2 as ...
1031 The EventSentry agent was unable to install the %1 ODBC driver (%3), using %2...
1032 The EventSentry agent successfully upgraded the %1 ODBC driver from version %...
1033 The configuration for the agent was automatically re-read since a service cha...
1034 The configuration for the agent (service) could not be re-read because the "%...
1035 A new configuration (revision %6) has been applied successfully after an upda...
1036 User %1 has successfully connected to host %3 from host %2 with the EventSent...
1037 The agent was unable to update the configuration from the registry because th...
1038 The EventSentry agent has successfully adjusted the permissions of %2. %1 ACE...
1039 The EventSentry agent has successfully changed the buffer size from %1 bytes ...
1040 The EventSentry agent was unable to queue more events for delayed reading. A ...
1041 When monitoring the %1 event log, the EventSentry agent missed events between...
1042 The EventSentry agent determined that the default ADMIN$ share does not exist...
1043 The EventSentry agent determined that both the C:\Program Files\EventSentry\R...
1044 The EventSentry agent determined that both the ADMIN$ share and the C:\Progra...
1045 The EventSentry agent determined that neither the ADMIN$ share nor the C:\Pro...
1046 The EventSentry agent received a configuration update, but an active ODBC con...
1047 Since the previously active ODBC connection is still active, the EventSentry ...
1048 Monitoring component %1 is unable to connect to database "%2" for an extended...
1049 The monitoring feature %2 which has previously been blocking while connecting...
1050 A connection attempt for action "%1" has been blocking for more than %2 secon...
1051 The EventSentry agent missed events while monitoring the %1 event log. EventS...
1052 The EventSentry agent has not received any events from the event logging subs...
1053 The EventSentry Agent will restart to recover from an unknown problem (%1). I...
1054 The EventSentry agent missed events between number %2 and %3 while monitoring...
1060 The queue size for action %1 reached %2 events, resulting in excess caching o...
1061 The background thread for action %1 was unresponsive and a restart was attemp...
1070 An agent update has been received from the collector and the EventSentry agen...
1071 Unable to apply an agent update from the collector: %1. Additional Error I...
1072 The agent update has been applied but the service could not be (re)started. T...
1073 The local agent has been successfully reverted back to v%1 and restarted.
1074 The local agent could not be reverted back to v%1. Upgrade the agent on this ...
1075 The local agent was successfully upgraded to build v%1.
1076 The local agent was successfully upgraded to build v%1 but the status of the ...
1080 The %1 field of filter %2 is incorrect (%3). Either all or no strings in the ...
1090 %1 was run for %2 seconds with the result shown below. Return Code was %3. %4
1091 The process %1 could not be created due to the following error: %2
1092 The process %1 exceeded the maximum allowed time interval of %2 seconds. Even...
1093 The process %1 exceeded the maximum allowed time interval of %2 minute(s). Th...
1094 %1 was executed successfully.
1095 The process "%1" could not be execute because a thread did not process a data...
1100 The EventSentry Remote Update Utility has completed, %1 host(s) were updated ...
1101 The EventSentry Remote Update Utility has completed. %1 host(s) were updated ...
1102 The EventSentry Remote Update Utility has completed. %1 host(s) were verified...
1103 The EventSentry Remote Update Utility has completed. %1 host(s) were verified...
1152 The EventSentry configuration was saved by user %1. The following changes wer...
1205 The custom event log %1 does not exist on this system and will not be monitor...
1256 The temporary file %1 has been found but no filter referencing this target (%...
1400 EventSentry was unable to adjust the permissions on folder "%1" due to error ...
1401 EventSentry was unable to create file "%1" due to error "%2". Please make sur...
1402 EventSentry was unable to delete the temporary file "%1" during the service s...
2000 A potentially dangerous clipboard content was detected by EventSentray. Cl...
2001 A potentially dangerous clipboard content was detected by EventSentray and de...
7000 The default SNMP v3 engine ID for action "%1" was set to 0x%2.
8000 Text matched one or more filter rules: Name: %3 Path: %1 Search Pattern:...
8001 EventSentry is caching more than 1024 files in the monitored directory %1. To...
8002 A line in the previously monitored file %1 did not contain a CRLF and as such...
8050 The log file "%1" which is mapped to the file definition "%2" does not contai...
8051 The log file "%1" which is mapped to the file definition "%2" encountered a s...
10100 The status for service %1 (%2) changed from %3 to %4. Additional Service I...
10101 A service was added: Name: %1 (%2) Status: %3 Startup type: %4 Executa...
10102 A service was removed: %1 (%2). Additional Service Information: Status:...
10103 The service %1 (%2) is now being monitored. Additional Service Information...
10104 The service %1 (%2) will not be monitored anymore. Last service status was %3.
10105 The following %1 service(s)/driver(s) are configured to AUTOSTART but are cur...
10106 Unable to connect to the Service Control Manager (SCM), services and drivers ...
10107 Unable to enumerate services, services and drivers cannot be monitored.
10108 The state of service %1 was %2, requested state is %3. EventSentry successful...
10109 The state of service %1 is %2, requested state is %3. EventSentry was not abl...
10110 The Startup Type for service %1 (%2) changed from %3 to %4. Additional Ser...
10111 The user account for service %1 (%2) changed from %3 to %4. Additional Ser...
10112 The executable for service %1 (%2) changed from "%3" to "%4". Additional S...
10114 The status for service %1 (%2) remains %3. Additional Service Information:...
10150 The status for driver %1 (%2) changed from %3 to %4. Additional Service In...
10151 A driver was added: Name: %1 (%2) Status: %3 Startup type: %4 Executab...
10152 A driver was removed: Name: %1 (%2) Status: %3 Startup type: %4 Execut...
10153 The driver %1 (%2) is now being monitored. Additional Driver Information: ...
10154 The driver %1 (%2) will not be monitored anymore. Last driver status was %3.
10158 The state of driver %1 was %2, requested state is %3. EventSentry successfull...
10159 The state of driver %1 is %2, requested state is %3. EventSentry was not able...
10160 The Startup Type for driver %1 (%2) changed from %3 to %4. Additional Driv...
10162 The executable for driver %1 (%2) changed from "%3" to "%4". Additional Dr...
10164 The status for driver %1 (%2) remains %3. Additional Driver Information: ...
10200 %1 was run for %2 seconds with the result shown below. Return Code was %3. %4
10201 The process %1 could not be created due to the following error: %2
10202 The process %1 exceeded the maximum allowed time interval of %2 minute(s). Ev...
10203 The process %1 exceeded the maximum allowed time interval of %2 minute(s). Th...
10204 %1 was executed successfully.
10205 The process %1 exceeded the maximum allowed time interval of %2 minute(s). Ev...
10206 The process %1 exceeded the maximum allowed time interval of %2 minute(s). Th...
10210 The process %1 was not started because the script is configured for local iso...
10211 The process %1 was not started because a script which is configured for globa...
10300 The %1 event log was successfully cleared.
10301 Event log was successfully backed up: Event log: %1 File: %2 File size: ...
10302 Event log was successfully backed up and cleared: Event log: %1 File: %2 ...
10303 The %1 event log could not be cleared due to the following error: %2.
10304 The %1 event log could not be backed up to file %2 due to the following error...
10305 The %1 event log could not be backed up to file %2 due to the following error...
10306 The event log backup file "%1" could not be compressed due to the following e...
10307 The event log backup file "%1" appears to have been compressed successfully, ...
10401 %2 instance(s) of process "%1" on host %4 are active, but %3 instance(s) is/a...
10402 %2 instances of process "%1" is/are currently active on host %3.
10410 A new process is listening for incoming TCP connections: Process Name: %1 ...
10411 A process previously listening for incoming TCP connections is no longer acti...
10500 Free disk space for drive %1 (%5) on host %6 is below the configured limit of...
10501 Free disk space for drive %1 (%4) on host %5 is below the configured limit of...
10502 Trend analysis has determined unusual high disk usage on drive %1. The averag...
10503 EventSentry was unable to access drive %1 due to error "%2". This drive will ...
10504 Directory and file analysis of drive %1 has been initiated by an earlier 1050...
10505 Enumerating the largest %1 files on drive %2 took longer than %3 seconds %4 t...
10509 The percentage-based threshold on drive %1 has been dynamically adjusted from...
10510 The %1 size of folder "%2" exceeded the configured limit of %3 bytes. Fold...
10511 The %1 size of folder "%2" is below the configured limit of %3 bytes. Fold...
10512 The maximum file count of %1 files in folder "%2" was exceeded, %3 files were...
10513 Folder "%2" contains %3 files, which is below the minimum of %1 files. Fol...
10550 Free disk space for drive %1 (%5) on host %6 is back above the configured lim...
10551 Free disk space for drive %1 (%4) on host %5 is back above the configured lim...
10560 The %1 size of folder "%2" is back below the configured limit of %3 bytes. ...
10561 The %1 size of folder "%2" is back above the configured limit of %3 bytes. ...
10562 The number of files (%5) in folder "%1" is back below the configured limit of...
10563 The number of files (%5) in folder "%1" is back above the configured limit of...
10600 Event log filter %1 exceeded the configured threshold (%2 entries / %3 second...
10601 Event log filter %1 has reached the configured threshold (%2 entries / %3 sec...
10602 Event log filter %1 has reached the configured threshold (%2 entries / %3 sec...
10603 Event log filter %1 has reached or exceeded the configured threshold (%2 entr...
10620 No event matching filter %1 has occurred in the event log in the configured t...
10621 No event matching filter %1 has occurred in the event log in the last %2 minu...
10650 The filter chain for event log package %1 is complete. Duration: %2 second...
10660 Threat score for the following limit has been reached: Threshold (limit/ac...
10700 The EventSentry debug log file %1 has reached a size of %2 bytes. We recommen...
10803 The currently configured audit policies on this system were insufficient for ...
10804 EventSentry determined that all audit policies listed below which are require...
10805 The currently configured audit policies on this system were insufficient for ...
10807 The requested auditing policies have been adjusted, but the "Log Size" proper...
10809 EventSentry was configured to disable auditing for one or more audit policies...
10815 EventSentry will now be processing the checksum of all monitored directories....
10816 EventSentry has successfully processed the checksum of all files in directory...
10817 EventSentry has successfully processed the checksum of all monitored director...
10820 EventSentry has reached the maximum buffer size of %1 items for its checksum ...
10830 Sysmon v%1 was successfully installed.
10831 Sysmon could not be installed. Additional error information may be available ...
10832 Sysmon v%1 was successfully uninstalled.
10833 Sysmon could not be uninstalled. Additional error information may be availabl...
10834 Sysmon was successfully updated from v%1 to v%2.
10835 Sysmon v%1 could not be updated to the latest version: %2
10836 The configuration for Sysmon was successfully updated.
10901 The configured temperature limit of %1 degrees (%3) has been exceeded, the cu...
10902 The configured humidity limit of %1% has been exceeded, the current humidity ...
10903 EventSentry was unable to find a temperature and/or humidity sensor on serial...
10904 The database write interval for environment monitoring is set too small. The ...
10906 The current temperature is below the configured limit of %1 degrees %3 %4 (%5...
10907 The current humidity level of %2% (%3) is below the configured limit of %1%.
10908 The current temperature of %3 degrees %4 (%5) is outside the configured range...
10909 The current humidity level %3% (%4) is outside the configured range (%1% to %...
10910 The current temperature of %3 degrees %4 (%5) is back in the configured range...
10911 The current humidity level of %3% (%4) is back in the configured range (%1% t...
10912 Motion sensor (%1) detected motion.
10913 Smoke sensor (%1) detected smoke.
10914 Water sensor (%1) detected water.
10915 EventSentry failed to detect the required self-test of the smoke sensor which...
10916 The attached %1 sensor reported an error, or no sensor is attached. This feat...
11000 Host %1 [%6] in group "%2" changed its PING status from %3 to %4. The reason ...
11001 Host %1 [%6] in group "%2" changed its AGENT status from %3 to %4. The reason...
11002 Host %1 [%7] in group "%2" changed the status of TCP port %6 from %3 to %4. T...
11004 The EventSentry Heartbeat monitor is waiting for the system to finish booting...
11005 The EventSentry Heartbeat monitor is ready and will now start monitoring the ...
11006 The EventSentry Heartbeat agent was unable to find the required HTML template...
11007 The EventSentry Heartbeat agent was unable to find the required HTML template...
11008 The database action specified for the heartbeat monitoring service is invalid...
11009 The Heartbeat Monitor detected that the EventSentry service is currently not ...
11010 The EventSentry Heartbeat service encountered an unrecoverable error and will...
11011 Scanning of host %1 was forcefully aborted because the scan duration (%3) exc...
11012 Scanning of host %1 was interrupted %3 consecutive times because the scan dur...
11014 SNMP monitoring of host %1 has failed %2 consecutive times and is now disable...
11015 %4 monitoring of host %1 has failed %2% of the time over the last %3 minutes ...
11016 The following error occurred while communicating, or attempting to communicat...
11017 The connection with database action "%1" has been reestablished, the database...
11018 Starting with EventSentry build, the heartbeat agent can query the E...
11019 Monitoring of the remote EventSentry agent on host %1 has been unsuccessful %...
11020 The heartbeat agent will monitor the following host using SNMP: Host: %1 ...
11021 EventSentry was unable to retrieve SNMP data from host %1 and cannot monitor ...
11022 Monitoring of the remote EventSentry agent on host %1 took more than %2 secon...
11023 SNMP monitoring on host %1 has been unsuccessful for more than %2 minutes and...
11024 The database action "%1" is currently using the legacy SQL Server ODBC driver...
11050 The PING status of host %1 (%2) remains at %4 due to error "%5". Current down...
11051 The AGENT status of host %1 (%2) remains at %4 due to error "%5".
11052 The status of TCP port %6 on host %1 (%2) remains at %4 due to error "%5".
11090 The Heartbeat Agent was unable to retrieve the stored authentication credenti...
11100 A new configuration was applied successfully.
12000 Application %1 (%2) was installed. Additional Information: Publisher: %...
12001 Application %1 (%2) was uninstalled. Additional Information: Publisher:...
12002 Application %1 registered itself in the registry key HKLM\%2 and will be auto...
12003 The registry value %1 in key HKLM\%2 changed from "%3" to "%4". All files spe...
12004 Application %1 was removed from the registry key HKLM\%2 and will no longer b...
12005 The application %1 registered itself in the directory %2 and will be automati...
12006 The shortcut %1 (using file %2) registered itself in the directory %3 and wil...
12007 The shortcut %1 (using file %2) was removed from directory %3 and will no lon...
12008 Application %1 was added to the registry key HKLM\%2 and will be automaticall...
12009 Application %1 was removed from the registry key HKLM\%2 and will no longer b...
12010 The application %1 registered file %2 in registry key %3 and might be automat...
12011 Application %1 (using file %2) was removed from the registry key HKLM\%3 and ...
12012 Error %1 (%2) occurred while trying to monitoring registry key %3. Please res...
12013 The explorer extension DLL %1 (using file %2) was removed from the registry k...
12014 The explorer extension DLL %1 (using file %2) registered itself in registry k...
12020 The %1 browser extension "%2" was added to user %4: Web Browser: %1 Name:...
12021 The %1 browser extension "%2" was modified for user %4: Web Browser: %1 N...
12022 The %1 browser extension "%2" was removed from user %4: Web Browser: %1 N...
12030 The amount of physically installed memory changed from %1 Mb to %2 Mb.
12031 The number of installed processors changed from %1 to %2.
12032 The number of installed floppy drives changed from %1 to %2.
12033 The number of installed CDROM drives changed from %1 to %2.
12034 The number of installed DVD drives changed from %1 to %2.
12035 The number of removable drives changed from %1 to %2.
12036 The link speed of adapter %1 changed from %2 to %3.
12037 The BIOS version changed from "%1" to "%2".
12040 A %1 drive has been added: Model: %2 DeviceID: %3 Serialnumber: %4 ...
12041 A %1 drive has been removed: Model: %2 DeviceID: %3 Serialnumber: %...
12042 The drive "%2" (%3) reported the SMART status error "%6". Drive Details: M...
12048 A new keyboard has been detected: %1 %2 The following keyboards are as...
12090 EventSentry determined that the recommended management suite ("%1") from the ...
12100 The performance counter "%5" (%1) on host %9 fell below the threshold of %2, ...
12101 The performance counter "%6" ("%1", instance "%2") on host %12 fell below the...
12102 The performance counter "%4" (%1) on host %6 equals the value of %2. Coun...
12103 The performance counter "%5" ("%1", instance "%2") on host %7 equals the valu...
12104 The performance counter "%5" (%1) on host %9 exceeded the threshold of %2, th...
12105 The performance counter "%6" ("%1", instance "%2") on host %12 exceeded the t...
12107 The performance counter "%1" (%2) on host %3 does not equal the value of %4, ...
12108 The performance counter "%1" ("%2", instance "%3") on host %4 does not equal ...
12110 One or more required function entry points could not be found in the dynamic ...
12111 The dynamic link library PDH.DLL could not be found and is required for perfo...
12112 The performance counter "%2\%1" (%3) could not be monitored. Please make sure...
12114 The EventSentry agent is experiencing an unusually high handle count (%1 hand...
12120 The performance counter "%6" (%1) on host %10 is between the range of %2 and ...
12121 The performance counter "%7" ("%1", instance "%2") on host %11 is between the...
12122 The performance counter "%6" (%1) on host %10 is not between the range of %2 ...
12123 The performance counter "%7" ("%1", instance "%2") on host %11 is not between...
12150 The performance counter "%4" (%1) on host %9 is back above the threshold of %...
12151 The performance counter "%5" ("%1", instance "%2") on host %10 is back above ...
12152 The performance counter "%4" (%1) on host %6 no longer equals the value of %2...
12153 The performance counter "%5" ("%1", instance "%2") on host %7 no longer equal...
12154 The performance counter "%4" (%1) on host %9 is back below the threshold of %...
12155 The performance counter "%5" ("%1", instance "%2") on host %10 is back below ...
12156 The performance counter "%3" ("%1", instance "%2") on host %4 which previousl...
12157 The performance counter "%1" (%2) on host %3 equals the value of %4 again. ...
12158 The performance counter "%1" ("%2", instance "%3") on host %4 equals the valu...
12170 The performance counter "%5" (%1) on host %10 is not between the range of %2 ...
12171 The performance counter "%6" ("%1", instance "%2") on host %11 is not between...
12172 The performance counter "%5" (%1) on host %10 is back between the range of %2...
12173 The performance counter "%6" ("%1", instance "%2") on host %11 is back betwee...
12174 EventSentry detected a potential leak for performance counter "%1" ("%2") ove...
12175 EventSentry detected a potential leak for performance counter "%1" ("%2", ins...
12176 The potential leak for performance counter "%1" ("%2") has been resolved, dur...
12177 The potential leak for performance counter "%1" ("%2", instance "%10") has be...
12200 A SHA-256 checksum change has been detected: Package: %5 Directory...
12201 A file size change has been detected: Package: %6 Directory: %1 File: %...
12202 A file has been added to a monitored directory: Package: %5 Directory: %1...
12203 A file has been removed from a monitored directory: Package: %5 Director...
12210 EventSentry was unable to monitor the directory %1 for changes due to the fol...
12211 EventSentry was unable to associate the directory %1 with an existing I/O com...
12212 EventSentry was unable to open the directory %1 due to error: %2. The directo...
12214 The temporary file currently being used for the "File Monitoring" feature has...
12215 File monitoring will now index all monitored directories. This process can ta...
12216 File monitoring has finished indexing all monitored directories.
12217 The recurring directory scan ("Re-Scan every") took approximately %1 minutes,...
12300 The time difference between this computer and the NTP server "%1" has exceede...
12301 The local time has been successfully adjusted to %1 after a time difference (...
12302 The local time could not be adjusted, even though a time difference (%1) has ...
12303 EventSentry was unable to retrieve the current time from host %1 due to the f...
12304 EventSentry was unable to retrieve the current time from host %1, the connect...
12305 EventSentry was unable to retrieve the current time from host %1 for %2 secon...
12306 EventSentry was unable to connect to any of the configured NTP servers (%1). ...
12307 Time difference between local host and %1: %2.
12400 The Scheduled Tasks monitoring engine has been initialized. %1 cached tasks h...
12410 A new scheduled task has been added: Name: %1 Enabled: %2 User: ...
12411 A scheduled task has been removed: Name: %1 Enabled: %2 User: %...
12412 A scheduled task has been changed: Name: %1 Field Changed: %2 ...
12500 EventSentry will monitor the attached UPS devices and/or built-in batteries. ...
12501 At least one connected UPS/battery is now running on battery power. EventSent...
12502 At least one connected UPS/battery continues to operate on battery power. ...
12503 All connected UPS/battery devices are back online. %1
12504 All connected UPS/battery devices are fully or almost fully charged. %1
12510 The charge level of all attached UPS devices is at or below the threshold of ...
12511 The estimated runtime of this system is at or below the threshold of %1 minut...
12512 System Shutdown Result: %1.
12600 EventSentry detected changes in a protected area of a hard drive, the new con...
12601 EventSentry detected changes in a protected area of a hard drive, the new con...
12605 EventSentry detected more than %d changes in a protected area of a hard drive...